Friday, January 18, 2008

The Second Saturday

The week is over and the intensive ctits are here. For those of you that have had some time between this crit and your last undergrad crit here are some examples of how to handle a crit jury that has gone bad.

below are a few suggestions to combat a bad jury...

taken from "What to Do When a Design Jury Attacks" this is provided by the Harvard GSD

1. Blowfish
Puff out your cheeks and point your fingers out around your face, like dangerous spikes.
10. Postmodern simulation
Leaf through your sketchbook and then look up and say, “I’m sorry, that’s not in the script. What page are you on?”
29. The John Wayne
Insist on speaking in a Texas accent. Swagger. Refer to the critic as “Pardner.” If the critic asks you a question you can’t answer, make your hand look like a pistol and yell “POW.”
60. Hostage
Determine quickly which member of the jury means the most to the critic. Then grab that person, hold a knife to his or her throat, and demand that all negative criticisms must end. You might as well ask for a little spending money, too.
100. Sherlock
Reply, “No sh-t, Sherlock,” to everything the critic says. See if you can convince the other jurors to join you.

For the complete list click here

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