Thursday, January 3, 2008

Tips for Requesting Books from the Library

thanks to Eric Nelson for this info

Check the status of the book you wish to request. Go into the book’s online catalog record and check the “Location” and “Status” of the book in the online catalog. If the location is “Main Stacks” and the status is “available,” you can request to have that item sent to you. Books which are marked Reference, Periodical Shelves, Closed Stacks or Closed Reference cannot be loaned out (copies of particular chapters/ articles from this material can be made and sent to you in most cases). Books which have been placed on reserve cannot be loaned out. BAC theses cannot be loaned out. If a book you want is unavailable or not held by our library, try your local public library. Often, if the public library does not own the book you need, they can borrow the item from another library in their network. If you have any questions about what items can be sent to you, please contact Whitney Vitale, Information Literacy / Distance Education Librarian at 617-585-7337 or at If the BAC does not own a book which you feel would enhance the collection, please let the library staff know. The BAC always welcomes new book suggestions from our students and faculty.

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