Monday, November 19, 2007

Ask your Questions...

Make a comment to this post and I/we will respond.


Anonymous said...

what does everyone do for meals during studio? can i meet my sister? Is it a group event or does everyone grab a sandwich while rushing back to their desk?

John said...

The winter intensive is in January, I see. When is the fall intensive?

When you applied to the program, were you required to send a portfolio? If yes, what did you include?

Anonymous said...

how does the roommate situation work out?

Melissa said...

Is anyone interested in selling their leadership packets to the newest cohort?

David Diaz said...

I just heard about the BAC distance master's program in architecture. I am graduating in May 2009 with a Bacherlor's and just wanted to know what it's like to be in this program.

This question is mostly for married people with children. I am married with our first child on the way due in March 09. Will I be able to work full time and do the online courses and still have time for my family?

Debby H. Sung said...

Hi there! I am very interested in the Distance M.Arch program, but I have a few questions that are not addressed on the BAC website that I hope you can answer for me.

How much time do you find yourself spending on coursework daily or weekly? Will it ever be more than 2-3 hours a day? Do you find it hard to balance with a full-time job and life?

If you have more time on your hands (ie, I don't have kids), can you accelerate the program and take more classes per semester to finish sooner?

Are there books to order, or is everything either part of your office work and online?

What kind of coursework is done outside of work work? (ie do you have to write essays, make models, make presentations [how do you even present your work?], etc.)

Thank you so much for having this blog and taking the time to answer questions; that is, I hope you are still answering questions.... =)

best of luck with your degree, and thanks again in advance!

Debby H. Sung said...

hi there - one more quick question:

Do you know how many students are accepted per semester into the program?


nav said...

hi there! myself arti .. having
B.Arch degree from GCA Lucknow INDIA. I am very interested in the Distance M.Arch program from BAC. i want to know
1-wheather it will be feasible for me or not from INDIA.
2-total fee structure means if i want to do M.Arch from BAC than how much total money i should in my hand for one semester or the total course
3-all available courses names


nav said...
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